Thursday, August 15, 2013

EAT(ef): The Journey

When we are all born, our first instinct is to Eat. Rooting for our Mother's breast, finding comfort in the suckle and sweet taste of our first food. We are all born knowing, wanting, and able to eat.

Of course, this blog wouldn't exist if that were our story.

My beautiful daughter, Brooke, was born with a congenital defect called Esophageal Atresia Trachea Esophageal Fistula (EATEF). Simple terms? Her esophagus was in two pieces. She has the latter form of this defect, Trachea Esophageal Fistula (TEF, Type C), and in the womb her esophagus grew to attach itself to her trachea.

There was no rooting at the breast when she was born. No eating. No suckling. No comfort of her mother's skin.

Several surgeries within the first few weeks of her life failed to correct the long gap between the two portions of her esophagus. After a failed procedure to lengthen the parts of her esophagus failed, her surgical team ultimately decided it was best for her to grow bigger before attempting a final corrective surgery.

Brooke was given a spit fistula (cervical esophagastomy), a feeding tube, and instructions to get "big" for surgery.

As of this post, she is 20 months old, and still awaiting her corrective surgery. A date is scheduled for two days before her 2nd birthday, this coming December.

Life with a surgical kid, a special needs kids, and kid who has NO IDEA how to eat is a roller coaster ride. This blog is our journey.

I hope you'll enjoy the ride- including the ups and downs- with me.


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